LakeShorePark, St Petersburg, Lake Maggiore, Florida,updated Sunday March 30th, 2025
(for Restricted Page, ask username & password first via "contact") 

LakeShorePark, St Petersburg, Lake Maggiore, Florida,updated Sunday March 30th, 2025
(for Restricted Page, ask username & password first via "contact") 

Your choice ...

Back lot

All residents wanting to park any vehicle (car, boat, camper or trailer) needs to see Michel Côté, unit 302) for a parking location and registration upon returning to the park for the season.
Any vehicle not regularly used, or are very heavy, will have to be parked in the East end parking area.

Our maintenance person will make sure all low hanging limbs are trimmed at the East gate.
Keys are available for that gate if you want for a deposit of $25 to be refunded when the key is returned.
Vehicles will no longer be allowed to park along the North fence, even temporarily, because of buried water lines.
Once again, water for rinsing boats is available for $20 per season.
This season, all boats will be parked at right angle to the South fence.

Thank You, Michel Côté, 514-773-1291

Lake shore park, website committee
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